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Smart Samsung Savings - 5% Off

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Samsung Galaxy Tab A 7.0 2016 8GB Metallic Black - Fair - Wi-Fi

Galaxy Tab A 7.0 2016 8GB

Metallic Black | Wi-Fi | Fair

12 Month Warranty

Contract Free

Quality Guaranteed

30 Day Return

FREE Delivery

Galaxy Tab A 7.0 2016 8GB Reviews

About the Galaxy Tab A 7.0 2016 8GB

Is Samsung Galaxy Tab A 2016 still supported?

Although considered a budget tablet, this Samsung tab is a small powerhouse that will last all day every day from watching movies to surfing the web all day long. Available in metallic black and pearl white you will look sleek and stylish with the tablet's stunning plastic finish. The front of the tablet, however, is a glass IPS LCD perfect for capturing the best imagery no matter what environment you’re in. Lowlight, sunlight, inside or out you will have picture-perfect quality on your device's 7” screen.

And to make it better? Our Galaxy Tab 2016 is refurbished, so you get more for less. For more information on our other refurbished tablets refurbished products please see our Refurbished Guide.


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Remember, if you have an old tablet lying about that you’re no longer interested in, now is the best time to trade it in with Envirofone and make back big cash! It’s simple, just head to our Envirofone Trade website now and get selling your rags for riches!

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